Monday, 23 December 2013

Study at IICSE Online University for Free with Certificates

IICSE University is an international tuition-free online University, a non-profit educational institution that is driven by a compelling vision to educate the less-privileged around the world, who cannot afford the cost of a traditional campus-based university education.

The University offers all her academic programs via study materials available online, designed for qualified applicants worldwide.

Processing Fees
IICSE University is a tuition-free online University No school fee is charged. Books and lecture materials are provided free of charge to all students.

In order for the University to remain sustainable, we charge a one-time Processing fee of US$150 (₹9,000 rupee, N22,500 naira or its equivalent). No additional fee is charged! No School fees. No hidden costs! Books and lecture materials are provided free of charge to all students.

Our aim, is to ensure that no qualified applicants around the world will be denied the right to access university education for financial reasons.

IICSE University will remain tuition-free forever, meaning students will not be charged for their educational instructions, books or lecture materials.


  1. How do we confirm that IICSE is accredited and not a scam?

  2. because i have i friend that school in the school that why is not a scam
